Suppliers are a fundamental part of our activities. At Sacyr we expect our suppliers to comply with the regulations of each geographical area and with our related policies and regulations, as we are all part of the same team.
Our suppliers must accept and comply with our Code of Ethics and Conduct and our policies on anti-corruption, anti-trust and crime prevention, as well as the Sustainability Framework Policy and other related policies which refer to human rights, diversity and inclusion, environment, health and safety and the supply chain.
At Sacyr, we consider that working with suppliers and contractors is key to the development of Sacyr as a global company, so their work has a direct influence on the outcome of our work. Compliance with human rights in the workplace is key to the development of our values.
Therefore, the supplier selection process and the evaluation of its performance is documented in our Management System, which is audited annually by a third party certification body, such as AENOR, SGS and TÜV REHINLAND.
In 2023 we have worked with 28,859 suppliers, of which 752 have undergone an initial evaluation process (this number represents the ones considered significant and they are new in the Sacyr Prefer Vendor List) and 1,441 have undergone a final evaluation process (evaluation of the behavior of significant suppliers).
Spending on significant suppliers accounted for 91.32% of the total.
Within our supply chain
Sacyr and its subsidiaries collaborate with suppliers or subcontractors in different fields:
Material suppliers: Sacyr carries out a corporate approval and control procedure to confirm the capacity and efficiency of the supplier.
Service suppliers: In this case, there may also be a more detailed management and control process.