Suppliers are a fundamental part of our activities. At Sacyr we expect our suppliers to comply with the regulations of each geographical area and with our related policies and regulations, as we are all part of the same team.

Our suppliers must accept and comply with our Code of Ethics and Conduct and our policies on anti-corruption, anti-trust and crime prevention, as well as the Sustainability Framework Policy and other related policies which refer to human rights, diversity and inclusion, environment, health and safety and the supply chain.

At Sacyr, we consider that working with suppliers and contractors is key to the development of Sacyr as a global company, so their work has a direct influence on the outcome of our work. Compliance with human rights in the workplace is key to the development of our values.

Therefore, the supplier selection process and the evaluation of its performance is documented in our Management System, which is audited annually by a third party certification body, such as AENOR, SGS and TÜV REHINLAND. 

In 2023 we have worked with 28,859 suppliers, of which 752 have undergone an initial evaluation process (this number represents the ones considered significant and they are new in the Sacyr Prefer Vendor List) and 1,441 have undergone a final evaluation process (evaluation of the behavior of significant suppliers). 

Spending on significant suppliers accounted for 91.32% of the total. 

Within our supply chain

Sacyr and its subsidiaries collaborate with suppliers or subcontractors in different fields:

  • Material suppliers: Sacyr carries out a corporate approval and control procedure to confirm the capacity and efficiency of the supplier.

  • Service suppliers: In this case, there may also be a more detailed management and control process.

Sustainability policy framework

This Policy contains the framework by which Sacyr develops and implements its approach to sustainability as the cornerstone of its Strategic Plan, thus encompassing and guiding the various sustainable development policies that augment and expand on the principles and bases contained in this Policy.

Human Rights Policy and Community Relations Policy

Sacyr acknowledges the need to respect and ensure respect for human rights in all territories where it operates.

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

This Policy establishes the guidelines and lines of action to promote a culture of respect for diversity and labour inclusion, in order to guarantee as a strategic objective the development of labour relations based on creating and promoting a diverse and inclusive working environmen

Environment and energy commitment

O compromisso dos fornecedores e subcontratados, doravante FORNECEDOR, com a proteção do meio ambiente e a correcta gestão energética é fundamental para a Sacyr, pelo que se espera que o FORNECEDOR se comprometa a assumir uma série de pontos.

Quality, Environment And Energy Management Policy

The aim of this Policy, aimed at all stakeholders, is to define and establish the principles and criteria that govern activities related to quality, environment and energy management.

Circular Economy Policy

This Policy demonstrates our commitment to integrating the circular economy model across the organization to achieve a sustainable growth.

Health and Safety in the workplace policy

The aim of this policy is to define and establish the principles and criteria governing action in the field of health and safety at work.

Policy regarding Anti-corruption and Relations with public officials and authorities

This Policy adheres to the values of integrity, honesty and transparency propounded in Sacyr Group Code of Ethics and Conduct and constitutes a development of two of its guidelines for conduct in the market: the one relating to anti-corruption measures and the one relating to the Group's relationship with Governments and Authorities

Policy regarding Regulatory Compliance for Competition Defence

This Policy adheres to the values of integrity and transparency propounded in Sacyr Group Code of Ethics and Conduct and constitutes a development of one of its guidelines for conduct in the market: the one relating to fair competition and competition defence.

Policy regarding Regulatory Compliance for Criminal Prevention

This Policy adheres to the values of integrity and transparency, propounded in Sacyr Group Code of Ethics and Conduct and constitutes a development of one of its basic ethical principles: respect for the principle of legality.

Code of Conduct

This Code of Ethics and Conduct reflects Sacyr's commitment to the principles of business ethics and establishes guidelines for professional and personal behaviour and conduct.

Modern Slavery Statement 2022

This statement discloses the steps Sacyr has taken to ensure there is no slavery or human trafficking in its supply chains or its own business.

Conflict Minerals Manifesto

Information Security Policy

The aim of this Policy, aimed at all stakeholders, is to define and establish the principles, criteria and objectives that govern activities related to information security.

General Internal Information System Policy

This Policy contributes to the general purpose of ensuring the effectiveness of the Code of Ethics and Conduct and the rest of the internal regulations of the Regulatory Compliance Model.

Carta Compromiso de Cumplimiento de la Norma SA 8000

Climate Change Policy

This policy demonstrates the extent of our determination in the fight against climate change and the need to combat it as a key objective in the sustainable development of our activities

Biodiversity Policy

The aim of this Policy is to define and establish the principles and criteria that govern activities related to Biodiversity.

Water Policy

We adopt responsible production and consumption practices that support the resource's conservation and availability, optimal quality, and ecosystem balance. 

Supply chain management policy

The purpose of this Policy is to extend our commitments, policies, and values to our entire value chain and to encourage our suppliers, providers, collaborators, contractors, and subcontractors (jointly “suppliers”) to comply with these same commitments

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